The advantages of Next Generation Sequencing biosafety tests over in vivo tests – The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology used by PathoQuest is included in international guideline for the Biopharmaceutical Industry

We are pleased to announce that the Next Generation Sequencing technology used by our SHS Capital portfolio company PathoQuest for the safety of biologics has been highlighted in the ICHQ5A(R2) guideline adopted in November 2023. This global guideline is an important regulatory standard for the market. It states:
“NGS is favoured as a replacement for in vivo testing as it can overcome the limitations in terms of breadth and sensitivity of virus detection of in vivo tests. Furthermore, this furthers the global goal of replacing, reducing and refining the use of animal testing”. This confirms that the PathoQuest portfolio of viral safety tests based on NGS meets the expectations of the market.
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