Living in a familial environment Rehabilitation and critical care center for children requiring long-term ventilator care

As early as 1998, the children’s nurse Christiane Miarka-Mauthe had the idea of opening a facility for ventilated infants and toddlers, who cannot be cared for at home. In addition to receiving the required critical care, she felt that the children should be able to grow up sur-rounded by love, affection and optimal encouragement as in a big family. In 2007 the time had finally come. “ARCHE-Regenbogen” (Arc Rainbow) opened its doors in Kusterdingen near Tübingen, Germany.
ARCHE-Regenbogen provides children and youth with tracheostomas, who require critical and long-term ventilator care, with a life in a familial environment to bridge the gap be-tween children’s intensive care and the home environment and best encourage their mental, psychological and physical development.
Parents who do not want to leave their children in an intensive care unit, but who cannot care for their children at home, are provided with a living environment with a familial and educational character, in which the children receive all the custodial, medical and educa-tional support they need. An improved quality of life is so very important, especially for these children. SHS is well aware of this due to its work with a company that provides an innovative approach to respiratory support for children and adults.
Starting in the early summer of 2012, ARCHE-Regenbogen will be providing parents with children requiring critical care with a vacation home on Lake Constance. The vacation ren-tals are furnished especially with the children’s needs in mind. With its donation, SHS is contributing to the purchase of special nursing beds for the little patients.
For more information please visit the website of ARCHE-Regenbogen