Hilfe für Kranke Kinder e.V. There’s always something going on here: The playrooms at Tübingen Children’s Hospital

A hospital stay is always an exceptional situation for children and young people. Thank goodness that the Tübingen Children’s Hospital has a playroom for every ward. There, the young patients can forget their worries while they play, sing and laugh. In some wards, they can even cook together. The focus is on common activities and creative offerings. The range of offerings is targeting all patients, from young children to young adults, and is taking into account the respective age and development status as well as the interests and hobbies of the ill children. The children and youngsters are under the pedagogical supervision of qualified carers. Special events such as magic shows, plays or small concerts are organized on a regular basis. Birthdays are also always something special to be celebrated in an appropriate fashion. And there is something else that makes the playrooms special: for the children they are “safe rooms” where medical examinations are forbidden.
With its commitment, SHS supports the financing of a carer for a ward’s playroom that accommodates children with developmental disorders and disabilities, among others.
Visit the website for more information: www.hilfe-fuer-kranke-kinder.de