Familien-Zentrum Freudenstadt e. V. –Mehrgenerationenhaus

The Familienzentrum Freudenstadt e. V. (Family-Centre-Freudenstadt) offers opportunities for different social groups trying herewith to compensate for deficiencies in family and social structures, which tend to get lost in our present society. The aim is to reach families and disadvantaged groups from all social classes. (i.e. ethnic German resettlers from Eastern Europe, immigrants, single parents, delinquent young mothers, families in emergency situations, old and lonely people).
The Family Centre offers a wide range of activities from day care for small children, parent-child groups, fairytales, adventure pedagogy, family education, counselling, assistance in dealing with institutions, integration efforts, relief in everyday life up to the all-generations’encounter.
For this work the Family-Centre-Freudenstadt received lately the distinction of „Mehrgenerationenhaus“(“multiple generation home”) awarded by the Federal Secretary of State for Family and Social Affaires Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen.
The operation is mainly upheld by the high quality and restless effort of people working on an honorary basis with roundabout 10.000 working hours per year.
It is financed by proceeds received from events, membership fees, (small) public contributions, donations, and prize money.
If you want to learn more about the family centre, please contact the following internet page: www.familien-zentrum.de